Small Talk

We stop
To talk
Complain about the weather
Compare parental situations
Wonder if it will get better
How have you been?
I don’t think I’m voting for him
I heard something about your friend
I don’t think I’ve seen him since. . .
I don’t know when
Yeah, I heard that
Chance at the cup this year
How’s your job?
Mine has its ups and downs too
No, you’re not getting fat!
Thanks, but seriously
I’m over it
Forgotten all about whatshisname
The guy who used to hang out with . . .?
You don’t remember his name, huh?
Oh, just thinking about a new job,
New place to live,
A car that runs well
Not being pressured about kids
Just a little bored
Ready for something new
If you’ve got a minute we could sit
And talk about. . .
Been nice seeing you.

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